The Calibrate Analytics plugs into your existing system and determines how you can reduce your electricity and energy costs whilst also reducing your carbon footprint through installing one of our renewable technologies.

Why Choose a Calibrate System?

The Calibrate Analytics tool enables us to capture and analyse your site’s energy usage giving you factual data to make informed decisions on your energy profile. We target a number of areas including temperature, humidity, flow and many more.

Our intuitive browser-based user interface gives users a quick, simple, dynamic way to access and drill-down into data from any sensor that is being monitored. Meaning alarm notifications can be resolved quickly, saving products, time and money.

The browser interface is a subscription-free, secure, multi-user access portal to data records and audit trails. Meaning its accessible from any web-browser enabled device with connectivity to you network. Systems are fully scalable to meet the demands of monitoring multiple devices across your business.

The Benefits

Calibrate Analytics© provides one central location for your assets to be controlled from.

  • Collate factual data on your current energy use
  • 24/7 monitoring
  • Browser base user interface
  • Wireless connection for minimum disruption on install
  • Flexible report generator
  • Analytical graphing tool with trace overlay
  • Regulatory Compliance.
  • Extensive range of sensors

Accurate Measurement

We provide a range of sensors that cover a wide measurement range of -200°C to +200°C, with accuracies down to ±0.1°C. These sensors can be supplied with fully traceable UKAS calibration certificates. Our sensors measure air, liquid, LN2, ovens, product simulation and much more.

Our standard range of humidity sensors are ideal for measuring general humidity in offices, warehouses and temperature controlled storage facilities over the range of 0-100%RH, with accuracies up to ±1.5%RH. Humidity sensors can be supplied with fully traceable UKAS certificates. We can also supply industrial humidity sensors designed for constant high humidity applications.

Our pulse count sensor connects directly to a meters pulsed output to provide accurate energy and flow data. This is ideal for monitoring energy and flow data in industrial applications and production environments

Our sensors can provide a count and state of door events. Ideal to notify door open events for chiller and freezer cold stores, walk in fridges, vaccine stores and any other general door monitoring. The door alarm parameters can be configured with a delay to reduce nuisance alarms.

We provide 4-20mA and voltage sensors to interface to a range of pressure and gas sensors for many industries. Typical use is refrigerant pressure in HVAC system, differential pressure in sterile work environments and CO2/O2/N2 sensors to provide accurate and reliable monitoring of gas levels.

We have a range of linear input voltage and current sensors for connection to third party equipment. Voltage and current outputs are standard for industrial and environmental sensors. Simply adding a sensor profile provides access to a multitude of sensor types such as temperature, pressure, wind, light or any other physical quantity.

Certified and Accredited

Calibrate has achieved ISO9001 NQA status and is a Constructionline Gold Member.

Features in Detail

  • Precision traceable sensors.
  • Regulatory Compliance.
  • Simple installation and expansion.
  • Extensive range of sensors, battery power option
  • Report Generator allows daily and weekly reports to be generated to support any compliance documents.
  • Hospital Ready
  • Multi-level alarm thresholds for each sensor.
  • Configurable audio/visual/email warnings & alarms.
  • Permission based user access with full audit trails.
  • PDF Report generator.
  • Analytical graphing tool with trace overlay.
  • Wireless temperature monitoring system with reports and outputs to support compliance.

Case Studies

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