On the 28th of November we hosted our first Net Zero in Business Networking Event at Durham Cricket Club. We had the pleasure of presenting alongside our RSK partners Silcock Leedham, Zed., Synergie Environ and Carbon Zero Consulting on the route to Net Zero. We are delighted to give back to our communities by offering free attendance to our event, with the focus being on how to work towards Net Zero for businesses of varying sizes and age.
We also had support from some of the fantastic associations we are a part of; North East Automotive Alliance, NOF and EMN. After the presentation, we networked and used our collective knowledge to help attendees begin to plan their route to Net Zero.
We are so thankful to everyone who attended, we had such an interesting mix of businesses and experts and it made for much interesting networking opportunities!
If anyone is interested in the presentation, please email [email protected] and we will send you over the slides.