1. Optimise your System
Are you struggling with an under-performing ground-source heat pump (GSHP) system?
Is it suffering breakdowns?
This will cause business disruption
Is its efficiency COP below the Ofgem guidance of 2.9?
This will cause an increase in operational costs. It could also result in a clawback of RHI tariff
Are your energy bills sky-high?
Energy bills are at an all-time high but there are ways to mitigate against this.
These will be causing all sorts of operational difficulties as well as costing and losing money. With energy prices on the rise, this pain point will be intensifying and the asset will increasingly be a drain rather than a benefit.
How can the system be optimised?
We provide a re-works service that will assess, address and enhance or replace a GSHP system installed by third parties in order to ensure that performance is maximised.
A new client came to us as their ground source 5MW pump had been installed by another supplier and was not performing as efficiently as it should. The system was costing £300,000 per year to run with a £600,000 return from Ofgem.
Calibrate identified some re-works that could be made to the system that would increase performance. An investment of £200,000 would increase the annual income on the system by an extra £150,000 per year, meaning a return on investment of under 1.5 years with the assurance of a significant extra income for years to come.
2. Expand your System
Equally, there may be modifications and additions that we can make to get extra capacity out of your current system.
If you have a non-domestic Ground Source Heat Pump on the RHI tariff with more capacity than you are using, you could benefit from extra output from your existing system through the option of “modifying capacity”. This does not include extending your existing ground array.
Any modified capacity added to your system will be paid at your original RHI certification rate and is pro rata from the time of the additional installation to the end of your existing RHI agreement.
Add a 1MW heat pump to your existing system and 18 years on remaining tariff:
Certified and Accredited
We are Gold Members of Constructionline and have also achieved ISO9001 NQA status.