Air, Rail & Sea Industries – Energy plays a crucial role in these industries, powering various modes of transportation.

The transport industry, covering air, rail and sea, is a significant consumer of energy, primarily in the form of fossil fuels. However, there is a growing emphasis on finding alternative energy sources to reduce environmental impacts of transportation and move towards more sustainable practices.

The environmental impact of the transport industry, especially in terms of carbon emissions, has become a significant concern. The burning of fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide (CO2) and other pollutants, contributing to global warming and air pollution. This has led to a push for cleaner and more sustainable multi-functional renewable energy solutions, including building renewable energy generation capacity, improving energy storage, carbon offsetting and a key one, emissions reduction.

Moving forward, the Government has committed to invest millions in these sectors, click here for further details:

Billions of investment for British manufacturing to boost economic growth – GOV.UK (

The transition of renewable energy integration to cleaner transportation has led to a greater focus on renewable energy sources such as heat pumps, solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. Renewable energy can be used to heat buildings, power processes, charge EVs, power electric trains and trams, and provide energy for other sustainable transport systems. However, the shift towards alternative energy sources in transportation requires significant infrastructure developments whereby the Government, businesses, and communities must collectively invest in this to support the transition to a more sustainable transport industry.

Improving energy efficiency in transportation is another important aspect. This involves developing more fuel-efficient vehicles, optimising logistics and transportation networks, and promoting sustainable urban planning to reduce travel distances. Energy-efficient technologies and practices can help reduce energy consumption and emissions.

Overall, the transport industry and energy are interconnected in addressing environmental challenges and transitioning towards sustainable practices. The integration of renewable energy sources, electrification of vehicles, and improvements in energy efficiency are key drivers for a more environmentally friendly transport sector.


Calibrate can help in this mission by proposing and installing solutions to transform an organisation’s energy profile and meet the Government’s agenda to reach net zero.

We can support in making the transition to installing renewable technologies, as well as upgrade or expand existing systems, making your business more sustainable and positively impact your bottom line and carbon profile.

Drying Solutions for Port Storage

The ports industry plays a critical role in facilitating global trade and commerce by serving as gateways for the movement of goods, commodities, and energy resources. Within this picture, efficient storage solutions are critical to manage the flow of goods effectively, minimise delays, and ensure that cargo reaches its intended destination on time and in peak condition.

Ports are energy-intensive environments so with energy prices so high and compliance with the Government’s carbon zero agenda at the forefront, the industry is looking for more cost-effective and eco-friendly solutions.

A drive is in place to move from excess electricity use via the grid, natural gas, diesel fuel, kerosene, oil and even coal, in order to adopt a cleaner and more sustainable energy source to reduce environmental impacts and mitigate climate change.

An ideal solution is a switch to a renewable energy source, such as a Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP), for port storage and other facilities, bulk storage, cold storage facilities for perishable goods and distribution hubs for sorting.

Using a GSHP as a heat/chill, drying and humidifying solution to store perishable goods such as crops, is not only efficient and effective, but also compliant with the Trade Association Scheme of Combinable Crops (TASCC scheme) under section S9 “temporary holding of combinable crops.” It supports pest management, drying and storage of, for example, tea and grain.

A Ground Source Heat Pump system harnesses the natural resources from the earth, air and sea in order to provide a low carbon option that is an oil and gas free operation with no combustion emissions. These are run by smart technologies to optimise energy usage to include real-time monitoring and control systems that help identify energy inefficiencies and take corrective actions. Data analytics and predictive maintenance can also enhance overall energy management strategies.

Investment in a GSHP and management system can transform both operational efficiencies as well as carbon profiles.

Ground Source Heat Pump

Energy-transforming Heat / Chill System

A Calibrate Ground Source Heat Pump, amongst other uses, can be used as a drying system.

It uses the naturally occurring warmth from the earth to increase heat with a 350% efficient heat pump to the required heating output. A by-product of its heating cycle is chilled water that can then be used to dehumidify the recirculated air through the grain (or other produce) as well as chilling the product to anywhere between -2°C–15°C for storage.

Combined Heat & Power Unit

Generating cheaper onsite electricity and heat

Reefer containers, along with electric cranes, portainers and RTGs, often represent around 40% of the electricity expenditure on ports nationwide. Calibrate’s Combined Heat & Power (CHP) design and concept allows ports to generate electricity onsite at a lower cost than from the National Grid, whilst providing energy back up in the event of a power cut.

CHP’s are powered by natural gas or biogas (piped or bulk) and also produce much higher ranges of temperature than other solutions, with up to 90°C of free heat that can be used for processes and/or ambient heating. A single 300kW CHP unit can power up to 25 x 40ft refrigerated containers, whilst heat is simultaneously recovered from the engine and exhaust to be used for a variety of applications, making it highly efficient.

Certified and Accredited

We are Gold Members of Constructionline and have also achieved ISO9001 NQA status.

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